The Doppelganger (Episode 1)


Hi, my name is Lilly and before anything, I need you to believe in the impossible.

Lilly is a 17 year old girl who stays at Oakswood, a city of the impossible. Oakswood has been filled with a lot, vampires, witches and the likes but not everyone believed, Lilly is about to be a living testimony of these so called impossible mankind events. Growing up as a kid, Lilly complained of hearing a voice constantly talking to her and this same voice sounds like her but her parents, Mr and Mrs Lockwood thought it was just a little girl’s imagination.

            Life at High school was going on well until this voice started coming back into her head. She lived her teenage life as a loner since everyone thought she wasn’t normal like other cool kids at school, they all see her as a bad omen. Her parents took her to a therapist and lot of doctors just to figure out what was wrong with her but they never knew she was battling with the impossible. Her own kind of “impossible” happened to be a Doppelganger, a person who is almost identical to another, in other words “look-alike”. This was the voice Lilly had been hearing, she had been hearing herself talking, her doppelganger wanting to come out, to live it own life as a different person with different personality.

Can Lilly fight this urge of her other self wanting to come out or would she give in to the voice in her head?

Episode 2-Coming soon!

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow 🖤💫


  2. Anonymous says:

    wow can’t wait for the nest episode


    1. Emmy🦋💜 says:

      Thank You! Like and share pls


  3. Omolara Adelaja says:

    wow interesting can’t wait for the next episode


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